

Ys IX: Monstrum Nox

While imprisoned in Balduq, Adol is cursed and becomes a Monstrum. With his newfound powers, he must stop the Grimwald Nox from consuming the city.

Bundle Comparison

게임 정보

Feared Protectors: Play as any of the six notorious Monstrum, each with their own unique Gifts that grant abilities such as scaling sheer walls or detecting hidden objects to protect the city from shadowy creatures.

The World Within the Walls: Explore the massive city, accept quests to aid the townsfolk, and enter the Grimwald Nox to vanquish the threats to Balduq.

Strength of the Night: Familiar mechanics such as Flash Dodge and Flash Guard allow you to outmaneuver your foes, while new additions such as Gifts and Boost Mode further augment your ability to fight.


"What is real is defined by what is not.
Who one is defined by who one isn't."
To move forward, one must accept these truths.
"Yes, in this prison—this cradle—
my dreams and reality became one."

Renowned adventurer Adol “the Red” Christin and his companion Dogi arrive at Balduq, a city annexed by the Romun Empire, only for Adol to be detained before setting foot inside. While imprisoned, he meets a mysterious woman named Aprilis who turns him into a Monstrum, a being with supernatural Gifts and the power to exorcise monsters. Now, Adol must ally with his fellow Monstrum to fend off the fearsome threats emerging from a shadowy dimension called the Grimwald Nox, as well as unravel the mysteries of the Monstrum curse, and the truth behind the unrest within Balduq.
  • 출시일
  • 장르
  • 플랫폼
  • 개발자
    Nihon Falcom,PH3 GmbH,Engine Software BV
  • 배급사
    NIS America, Inc.
  • 태그
    싱글 플레이어멀티플레이어협동스크린 공유 및 분할 협동공유/분할 화면Steam 도전 과제컨트롤러 완벽 지원Steam 트레이딩 카드Steam CloudRemote Play Together가족 공유
  • 지원 언어
    영어* 프랑스어 일본어** 음성이 지원되는 언어

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