

Creepy Tale 3: Ingrid Penance

As punishment for her transgressions, Ingrid is sent to hell. As she struggles through the darkness that hungers to consume her heart, she makes her way toward redemption. Her fate is in your hands.

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게임 정보

Creepy Tale 3: Ingrid's Penance is a macabre interactive adventure filled with bizarre events and puzzles.

The story revolves around a capricious, spoiled girl named Ingrid. She steps on a loaf of bread to avoid getting her shoes dirty and tumbles all the way down to hell.

The underworld is teeming with creepy creatures. Some of them want to swallow little Ingrid whole, others want to torment her with never-ending nightmares, and still others want to turn her into a charming statue to impress their neighbors.

But, when it seems like Ingrid is doomed to perish in this infernal pit, she meets Molek, a talkative, sarcastic demon who has been watching her adventure with fascination. She has no choice but to trust the little demon. Who knows? He just might be the key to her redemption and a way home.

  • Multiple endings Ingrid's fate depends entirely on your choices and the actions you perform over the course of the entire game
  • Gripping puzzles that incorporate a wide variety of mechanics
  • An immersive, fully-voiced storyline with references to the works of Hans Christian Anderson, the Brothers Grimm, and other authors.

  • 출시일
  • 장르
  • 플랫폼
  • 개발자
    Creepy Brothers
  • 배급사
    Creepy Brothers
  • 태그
    싱글 플레이어Steam 도전 과제컨트롤러 완벽 지원Steam 트레이딩 카드Steam CloudRemote Play Together가족 공유
  • 지원 언어
    영어* 러시아어* 독일어 스페인어 - 스페인 중국어 번체 중국어 간체 스페인어-중남미 일본어* 음성이 지원되는 언어

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현재 판매가 그래프 단위: KRW(원) ₩ 11,000 스팀상점
